In Short
Class Forge isn't too complicated once you understand how it works. Below is a step-by-step guide as to how Class Forge Works. If you're not comfortable with how it works, then please do not use it.
(This is highly oversimpified.)
- You login, and Class Forge logs into Sentral as you, to check if your details are correct.
- Your details are securely assymetrically encrypted (one key encrypts, another decrypts), and the keys used to decrypt them are stored as cookies in your browser
- Your details are saved to the server, so you don't have to login everytime you check your timetable
- When you go to your dashboard, Class Forge pulls the cookies used to decrypt your details from the browser
- Class Forge then logs into Sentral as you again, and scrapes various paghes including your timetable and notice and then logs out of Sentral
- Your notices and timetable etc. are then symmetrically encrypted (one key for encryption and decryption) using the cookie saved in your browser and saved on my server
- Your timetable and notices etc. are then opened, and decrypted using the cookie in your browser, and displayed to you on the page.